Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life, fashion, faith

Life as a christian fashion model have not been the easiest. From being selective about what designers dress me in to worrying about what kind of message it would send out to others (esp. young girls). I've been very cautious until I began to be tired of being so "careful". I told myself "hey...I know I'm a good person and I will never have my behind or my chest exposed to the camera. So as long as everything is COVERED I'm good!" Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say OH IM FED UP WITH THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, because I know for a fact that GOD IS THE ONE WHO PUT ME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! I definitely know my purpose of being in this industry. But it really gets to me when people judge....They can be very cruel...But you know what? there will always be "haters" and just like the scripture says "Love your enemies" I will do so and just love them, because I know I won't be doing anything by showing anger and hate towards them. It will only allow them to dislike me even more.

FASHION FASHION FASHION! as much as you think you are "not into fashion" well guess what you LIVE AND BREATHE fashion! What's that your wearing right now? Clothes right?! Well there you go, thats fashion right there! Okay okay, you don't think it's the most flashy or high fashion outfit you have on, but you have to keep in mind there are so many different kinds of fashion out there. It doesn't always necessary mean you have to have Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, or Dolce Gabbana on to say you are "fashionable". I believe fashion is everywhere! Yes! even if you just have shirt and jeans on! So lets dig deep and TALK ABOUT FASHION!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Knowing what you want

Have you ever thought of what you wanted in life? I'm sure everyone has, many know exactly what they want and there are those who have no idea what they want. For those who are at the stage of figuring it all out, I know its pretty tough to make decisions. You are constantly struggling with making the right choices and making sure whatever you decided on is something that will make you happy and keep you happy in the long run.
You go around talking to different people to see what they have to say and to see what advice they have to give. But sometimes nothing seems to work and you are just stuck. Frustration and anger starts kicking in and then comes the tears...oh the tears...you bury you're face into you're pillow and tightly keep your eyes shut wishing and hoping that this isn't happening, everything is fine, and that this is just another nightmare. But you slowly begin to open up you're eyes again and see that you are in you're room, on you're bed, still not knowing what you want...What to do now? I'VE DONE EVERYTHING TO FIGURE WHAT I WANT!!! WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY BE MISSING?!

And right at that moment you remember....oh...I have God...

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hello everyone my name is Minyoung, I am 19 years old and I am a new member to blogger.com I'm looking to be able to blogg as much as I can about my life as a daughter of God, model, student, about fashion, and anything else that is interesting and helpful to others. I may not be the best writer but I write from the heart and mind. Hopefully through blogging I'll be able to improve my writing skills. No! I WILL improve my writing skills! haha. 
I may be young , but I've been through and still am going through many experiences good and bad, and will speak my mind. Who knows many of you might be able to relate and we can help each other out with advices. Well, I'm going to have to cut my very first blogg short, but there are many more to come and I'm looking forward to your comments and questions. Have a Blessed one!<3